Powers & Privileges

I always wondered about Hither moving to South America. Because it seems that if he were there, a lot of things would have gone differently. But I just heard a story that indicates he died at sea on the way to South America.

Hitler was just a British pawn, a fall guy wrapped up in propaganda. I believe his own people were trying to kill him for this very reason.

If the German attack on London was anything more than a manipulated strike on civilians then  why wasn’t the palace bombed or any other royal, political building and land mark?

The same as Pearl Harbor was an inside job to justify bombing innocent civilians in Hiroshima. The U S. citizens protested the war, but the powers manipulated that truth from the reports as well.

The news and media has always been controlled by the ones we allow to have power over us …

There was even a British officer, pilot who openly stated they will raze Europe to the ground.

The Holocaust was mostly a lie. The numbers were multiplied, highly exaggerated. There were not 6 million Jews. There were not even 6 million people living in that region of Europe. The number of people in camps were more accurately between half a million and a million

I would say the movie Schindler’s List was probably mostly true as far as those specific events go.

You must realize that the Jews own Hollywood

In addition we have been brainwashed into pitying and feeling sorry for all those our forefathers caused suffering upon. Natives, blacks, Mexicans. And now that holds sway over how this trashed nation operates.

White privilege is a lie. There is only rich privilege in every race and culture. It’s just a sad misfortune that the wealthiest and most evil are the white European races who just want to watch the world burn beneath their feet.

And don’t even get me started on women and the witchcraft behind the feminist movement being used to destroy the family, the church, and preach a bunch of false history